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Deploy A Contract


SUAVE contracts can be deployed using all existing Ethereum client providers (ethers, viem, geth...) and development tool kits (forge, hardhat, brownie...).

The previous tutorial encouraged you to run SUAVE locally. However, the Rigil Testnet is up and running, so you should be able to deploy contracts to it without building everything yourself.

This tutorial is therefore divided into two sections:

  1. Deploy to Rigil
  2. Deploy locally

Deploy to Rigil​


First, get some rETH for the account you want to use from the Rigil ETH Faucet. Make sure you can access the private key of this account.

Deploy with Forge​

Forge is a command-line tool from Foundry that can compile and deploy smart contracts.

Make a new directory and run the below to initialize it:

mkdir suave-contracts && cd suave-contracts/ && forge init

You can find good example contracts to learn from and test with in our SUAPP examples repo. Choose one of these and copy-paste it into your src directory. Then run:

forge build

You can now deploy your compiled contract with:

forge create --rpc-url --legacy \
--private-key <your_funded_priv_key> ./src/<your_contract_name>.sol:<your_contract_name>

You should see something like this logged to your terminal:

...relevant compilation results...
Deployer: 0xBE69d72ca5f88aCba033a063dF5DBe43a4148De0
Deployed to: 0xcbdF0322Cd79212e10b0dB72D775aE05B99c1796
Transaction hash: 0x9ae80af40bdafbc706108446dbbf7761a59f5bf544b46c97b9b0851dddaa3927

Deploy with Remix​


This method quick, but limited. You can deploy contracts using Remix and an injected web3 provider. However, you cannot send Confidential Compute Requests to those contracts from providers like MetaMask, so it is difficult to interact with your contracts once deployed.

Follow these steps to deploy a contract via Remix:

  1. Add the Rigil RPC to your MetaMask or equivalent wallet and connect to it:


  1. Ensure you have rETH from the Rigil ETH Faucet
  2. Go to the Remix IDE and navigate to the bottom icon on the right-hand menu: "Deploy and Run Transactions".
  3. Open the dropdown "Environment" menu and select "Injected Provider - MetaMask". It should show Custom (16813125) network directly below that field if this works correctly.
  4. Write (or import) your contracts in the File Explorer tab, compile them, and deploy them as you usually would.

Deploy locally​


For this section, you will need SUAVE running locally before trying to deploy any contracts

SUAPP Examples​

First, clone and set up the SUAPP examples repo:

git clone

You'll notice that suave-geth is included as a submodule, so we need to initialize it:

cd suapp-examples && git submodule init && git submodule update

We'll also need to install Foundry in order to help us compile our contracts and prepare them for deployment:

curl -L | bash

You can compile the contracts in the repo with:

forge build

Golang SDK​

You need to build and run SUAVE locally, which you can do with:

cd suave-geth && make suave && suave

Now we can deploy and transact with any of the example contracts. Just cd into the relevant directory and run the main.go file. For instance, to deploy and transact with the example contract which demonstrates how updating state works for normal vs confidential requests, you can run:

cd examples/onchain-state && go run main.go

You should see this message printed in your terminal if successful:

1. Send a confidential request that cannot modify the state
2. Send a confidential request that modifies the state

All of the main.go files use the Golang SDK, which you can read more about in our developer guides.

The astute will notice that you can use exactly the same setup to deploy contracts to Rigil instead of your local network.

First, ensure you have rETH for the account you want to use from the Rigil ETH Faucet.

Then, edit the DefaultConfig of framework/framework.go to look something like this (with the private key replaced):

func DefaultConfig() *Config {
return &Config{
KettleRPC: "",
KettleAddr: common.HexToAddress("03493869959c866713c33669ca118e774a30a0e5"),
FundedAccount: NewPrivKeyFromHex("<your_funded_priv_key_without_0x>"),

Now, you should be able to deploy and transact with any of the contracts in the repo. For instance, try running:

cd examples/onchain-state && go run main.go

You should again see output like this logged in your terminal:

1. Send a confidential request that cannot modify the state
2. Send a confidential request that modifies the state


If you prefer Forge to working in Golang, you can keep SUAVE running and work in your own directory:

mkdir ~/suave-contracts && cd ~/suave-contracts/ && forge init

Write your contracts as you usual would, generally in the src directory. Then run:

forge build

You can now deploy your compiled contracts, using a private key that is already funded in your local setup:

forge create --rpc-url http://localhost:8545 --legacy \
--private-key 0x91ab9a7e53c220e6210460b65a7a3bb2ca181412a8a7b43ff336b3df1737ce12 \

You should see something like this logged to your terminal:

...relevant compilation results...
Deployer: 0xBE69d72ca5f88aCba033a063dF5DBe43a4148De0
Deployed to: 0xcbdF0322Cd79212e10b0dB72D775aE05B99c1796
Transaction hash: 0x9ae80af40bdafbc706108446dbbf7761a59f5bf544b46c97b9b0851dddaa3927